Thursday, January 12

when girls get bored while studying

as you can see the title of course lah pasal ape yg kitorang buat bila bosan n bila study tapi x ley masuk..
Aku tak igt pulak kitorang wat benda ni time subject ape.. hehe..
tpi yang aku igt..farah (housemate) bagi idea ni time aku nga duk layan youtube Shila Amzah-rolling in the deep..hahaha...mcm syok senddiri video tu tpi serious aku suker..then kitorang pun main tangkap2, ni lah part of it..

start with me..hehe..

ini pulak mastermind..fara...


Aku xtau pehal gambar ni xdpt nk rotate..padahal aku dah rotate siap2 dah..hurmm..
ohh btw, tu je lah..:D